Directed by Brad Bird
Starring Tom Cruise, some other white dude, some English white dude, some bangin’ mulatto chick, assorted Slavic and Scandinavian white bad dudes, that white dude from Lost, and Tom Wilkinson
Okay. I would normally say spoiler alert but that’s not quite it. I was in the middle of watching this Ghost Protocol shiznit and thought to myself: “Impossible boozy mission? Challenge: accepted.” By that point I was already five drinks deep so my rationale was hazy at best. In fact I’m pretty sure I then immediately started humming the MI theme song to myself as I cracked my third Miller.
Consequently the only things I remember about this movie can be described as “fragments,” loosely supplemented by drunken scribblings on my trusty Moleskin notepad that my mother gave me two Christmases ago. To be fair to my mother, I’m pretty sure that if she knew I would be using it as a tool to document my drunken misadventures she would have gotten me Zelda or a hammock instead. Because I love slaying stuff and lying down.
So the MO for this review is going to be merely citing all the moments of MIGP that I remember in chronological order (the latter will be trickier). From that I’ll try to infer what the movie is about and run my trademark cavalier, devil-may-care commentary about Tom Cruise not owning enough people and chicks and their breasts. Sound like a plan? Good.
- That white dude from Lost totally gets iced by a woman

Just like that, millions of dollars in spy training are wasted because the first lesson on the first day of spy school ought to have been:
Covert operations
Lesson 1: Don’t do any of these things while doing another one of these things.
(Yeah, fine, some of you will say “Well hey Ben! How about driving and covert operations? Can’t they go together?” Okay, nice one, and the answer to your question is fuck you.)
- Tom Cruise narrowly escapes from jail with his boyfriend
Not so sure about you guys, but if I got locked in Russian prison for first-degree murder and had a two-minute window of opportunity to escape I would not double back for my shower buddy. Just sayin. You’re Tom Cruise. You can smoke whoever’s pole you want. And probably do.
- The Kremlin explodes
Yes, the whole Kremlin. Yes, I know, it’s stupid but the guy who directed this has only ever done animated films. Because he’s a grown man and makes cartoons for a living I’m taking it as a given that he’s mentally retarded. So cut him some slack, alright?
They gloss over it pretty quickly, actually, but it has something to do with stealing nuclear launch codes and framing Tom Cruise. Tom Wilkinson comes to warn Tom Cruise but then Tom Wilkinson gets shot and dies and makes me sad because I have been drinking.
- The villain’s name is Cobalt and he appears for about five minutes in this movie
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Double black belt: Aikido and Noshing |
But seriously, whatever happened to the days when villains had badass names? Like Darth Vader or Jaws or The Jackal or Cyrus the Virus or even that Le Chiffre guy who cried blood? Sure he loses at poker and gets his ass whipped a lot but his tears are fucking blood. The only way they could have made that guy more of a hardass is by having him sweat crude oil and shit dragon eggs. Pure awesome coming out of every orifice.
Cobalt is to villains as Kim Kardashian is to women. You’re upset that you even know they exist. I’ll bet money they gave him that stupid name because MIGP's screenwriter approached the producers with a list of potential villain names that went something like this:
Cadmium yellow
And the producers just fucking stood there saying: “Well… at least he gave us a choice, right?”
- There’s one scene where Tom Cruise chases a guy through a sandstorm
I’m pretty sure I still have some bad lingering memories from those really bright desert scenes in The Adventures of Tintin so I took a nap during this part. I’m guessing Tom Cruise never caught the guy because that would have meant the movie ending sooner and guest movieboozer Patrick waking me up. Or security.
- At first Jeremy Renner is an analyst, but then he’s not who he appears to be
Nice twist. That never happens in spy movies.
- In one scene Jeremy Renner floats
He must be a Jedi. Or it’s magnets. Can’t remember which. But now that makes me think… what if Yoda were using magnets all along?
- Cobalt owns no one in this movie
The last half hour of this movie was spent drunk and confused about what was going on. This Cobalt guy commandeers himself a sweet fucking nuke and then just fires it at the States without asking for ransom. So while Tom Cruise is trying to stop him, I’m leaning over to Patrick all like: “Pooch! What the fuck is going on?! Where’s the ransom? … Bahahahahahaha! That nuke is fucking AWESOME! Look at it going through space! Did you see it going through space like that and jettisoning its, like… shell and stuff? … Pooch, did you see that shit?”
Seriously, for about five minutes I could not shut up about this goddamn nuclear rocket. I was like a Down Syndrome child who just saw a laser pointer for the first time. So thoroughly impressed was I that I scribbled this on my pad:
“If I had a nuke this amazing E would save it. For later.”
I’m assuming by ‘E’ I meant ‘I’ and to my credit I wrote that without a flashlight pen. That’s 100% pure spatial awareness, folks.
As an aside: what impressed me most (about myself) while watching this movie was that even plunging headfirst into the most absurd drunkenness in recent memory, there was still a Sober Ben at that back of my brain saying: “Dude. This movie is fucking terrible. You should be at home watching Suits instead of this because it’s clever and filmed in Canada. Represent dude.” Of course JuggernautDrunk Ben came crashing through moments later, all like: “DUUUUDE! You needs to fuck up your brain more because IT’S WEDNESDAY!!!!”
Which one do you think I listened to? Yeah. Exactly.
- The girl in this movie neglected to show me her tits
In her defence she did look pretty busy doing other stuff. Still, if she were a stripper I would have left a lousy tip.
- Ving Rhames shows up at the end to give the movie to lend some street cred
You now have 1.5 black people in your movie. Respect. I felt like I was watching the BET Awards.
Yeah, that’s pretty much alls I remember. If it means anything I was hungover until Monday.
Damage: 9/10 (pre-movie: ≈110 ml Glenkinchie 12yo 43% ABV; during: 5 x 330 ml Miller Genuine Draught and ≈110 ml Jura Superstition 45% ABV; post-movie: 1 x 330 ml Einstock fucking Viking beer. Grrrrrr.)
Boozy rating: 9/10 (What? You look surprised. I had an amazing time.)
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